

Our committed volunteers are invested in making positive change in communities affected by domestic and gender-based violence. We are eternally grateful for the volunteers that play an integral part in the work we do.

Our volunteers use their skills, energy and time for activities that help us fund-raise, manage events, conduct outreach, facilitate training or workshops and support survivors with legal aid services. All our volunteers are vetted and trained on topics such as Defining Gender & Gender-Based Violence, Domestic Violence, Child Sexual Abuse & the Children’s Act, as well as communication skills, accessing service providers and understanding the Psychology of Domestic Violence. The painting is colorful and full of vitality.


Sign Up To Become A Volunteer HERE

Anyone can become a volunteer. We provide free training and align you with tasks suitable to your talents and commitment All our volunteers are trained in-house by our qualified staff. All of our programmes are developed to include volunteer contribution:


Some people were asking for volunteers for the Youth Delta. I signed up not really giving it much thought. So imagine my surprise when I got a call to interview for ChildLine some time after. It was scary, the thought of helping someone over the phone. What if the first call you got was about rape?! Maybe it was the training, maybe because I was more mature and more ready, maybe it was a combination, but somehow I wasn’t scared for my first day on the line. I handled things with a surprising calm and ease, it was almost surreal. I’ve grown so much from being a part of ChildLine. I’ve learned that our young people are hurting. I’ve learned that I am in no position to judge anyone; I’ve learned patience and selflessness. I’ve developed a sense of calm in the face of some very surprising disclosures from hurting children. I’ve learned to care more and I have a greater awareness for the role adults play in the lives of our youth. I’m a better person because of what I do. Being part of ChildLine is part of my life now. It’s a weekly commitment I’ve made. I wouldn’t change a thing and I’ll answer the call as long as the phone rings.

ChildLine Listener, Age 27

Occupation – Administrative Assistant