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The Trinidad and Tobago Domestic Violence Act 1999 (‘DV Act’) defines domestic violence as including physical, sexual, emotional or psychological or financial abuse committed by a person against a married or common law spouse (including former spouse), child, any other person who is a member of the household or dependent.
Domestic Violence does not discriminate Anyone can be a victim and anyone can be an abuser regardless of gender, sexual orientation, occupation, class status or physical build.


Verbal Abuse

- Yelling/screaming to intimidate a partner
- Using inappropriate language or cursing to embarrass or humiliate a partner

Intimidation and Threats

- Threatening violence against a partner, partner’s family, or partner’s friends
- Verbal threats of violence
- Physical conduct (such as hand gestures or raised fists)

Sexual Abuse

- Sexual contact of any kind that is coerced by force or threat of force

Emotional or Psychological Abuse

- Persistent use of abusive or threatening language
- Persistent following of the person from place to place (stalking)
- Depriving that person of the use of property
- The watching of or constant presence at the place where the person resides, works, carries on business or happens to be (surveillance)
- Interfering with or damaging the property of the person;
forced confinement
- Persistent telephoning
- Making unwelcome and repeated contact with a child or elderly relative;

Financial Abuse

Pattern of behaviour, the purpose of which is to exercise coercive control over, or exploit or limit a person’s access to financial resources so as to ensure financial dependence. E.g. withholding a partner’s paycheck, failing to meet financial obligations, attempting to control a partner’s money or job prospects

Physical Violence

- Intentional use of physical force or power
- Kicking, biting, pushing, punching, or strangling


Fear of escalating violence after separation, often with the hope of protecting children involved. Wrongly believe that they are responsible for the bringing on of the abuse and deserve to be punished. Stigma and shame. Holding out hope that things will improve. Low self-esteem. Waiting for divine intervention. Physical, emotional or mental disability. Investing in helping the abuser solve their problems. Financially dependency. Fear of breaking up the family. Abuser promises to never do it again


1. Talk to someone like a neighbour, friend or a family member. Maintain relationships outside that with your abuser.
2. Seek out agencies that can help you. Call 800-SAVE in case of emergency.
3. Lean on your support system as you get help. Your family, friends, religious groups and workplace can create safety and support.
4. Remember your worth, there is only one of you in this world. You are a gift.- Seek out agencies that can help you. Call 800-SAVE in case of emergency.
5. Attend counselling or therapy to make changes and process trauma.

6. Remember that it is not your fault. No one deserves abuse
7. Avoid contact if you can help it. Stay in separate rooms or spend as little time at home as possible.
8. Maintain or establish financial independence.
9. Be extra cautious of partners with a history of abuse or addiction.
10. Recognize possessive behaviour or monitoring is not loving or caring.
11. Pay attention to early signs like your partner wants to control everything you do, who you talk to and where you go.


- They have been abused as a child
- They have witnessed violence / abuse and
learned to express themselves with violence
- To show that they are in control of their
- To ease frustration
- Low self-esteem
- Poor conflict resolution skills
- To show that they are strong especially if
they feel weak in other aspects of their life
- Believe they have a natural or bestowed
right to dominate others
Some Reasons why people abuse
others --->
(Please note that none of these reasons are justification for violence or abuse)
Family violence occurs only amoung those who are poor and uneducated. False