Tips for Coping Under COVID-19


As stay at home restrictions came into effect across the globe to deal with the outbreak of COVID-19 (Coronavirus) an unintended crisis began to sprout- an increase in domestic violence incidents. So we teamed up with United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) and experts to share some helpful tips to help victims and perpetrators manage relations during mandatory lockdown.

Clinical Psychologist Dr. Peter Weller shares tips for managing our temper at home during COVID-19 stay at home restrictions.

It’s important to recognize our triggers and to mediate our behaviour in the moment but also to set intentions to shift our thinking in the long term. Think of ways we can be supportive in our family relations instead of controlling. This will take pressure off you and those around you.

Psychotherapist Tracie Rogers lends perspective on being kind with yourself while dealing with trauma and abuse under COVID-19 stay-at-home restrictions.

Even as our surrounding shift, internally change will take time. Be patient with yourself. Find company that you can relate to and lean on your support system be it a friend, neighbour or online community.

We hope these videos help to alleviate tension that may arise at home during the pandemic and can also assist after the current restrictions are lifted.

To get help call the Domestic Violence Hotline at 800-SAVE (7283), Rape Crisis Society at 627-7273 or the Coalition Against Domestic Violence at 624-0402.


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